Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Camouflaged Critter

Can you see me? 
I just can't get this blue/grey color down!!


Anonymous said...

nothing to say but eewww!

Carla said...

I love toads!

Kessie said...

A toad! He is very well camouflaged! How did you see him in the first place?

Farm Girl said...

Very nice closeup of that toad?? frog? Not up on my amphibian types. :)Now I know I should have taken a picture of the squash bugs on my squash this morning. They were so creepy, I am totally organic when I garden, until today, used the stuff I got for my chickens it said for squash too, I hate to admit, but I enjoyed seeing them fall off. I don't have frogs, too dry. I would rather they eat them.

Dog Trot Farm said...

Last evening as darkness was approaching I was still in the process of watering the flower beds when a very large toad jumped out and almost put me in an early grave!

AJ-OAKS said...

He sure does a fine job blending in! That is soooo cool. :)

Knatolee said...

Love your toad!

Razzberry Corner said...

Cindy - Of course he peed on me when I picked him up!

CeeCee - I think they are neat. this guy was huge!

NetRaptor - My husband showed me! I don't know how he saw the toad!

Farm Girl - I know that bugs can really do some damage to a garden if left untouched! You just have to use the proper products to get rid of bugs!

Julie - I'm always concerned in the evenings now since once a bat bumped into me as it flew by! I dropped to the ground screaming, of course! the bat was probably more afraid of me!

Cindy - yeah, he did blend in. That's pretty neat how they can do that!

Knatolee - THANKS!


Robin said...

He looks so jolly and happy in that last picture. Like he is having a good frog day :D

Anonymous said...

great post thanks