
Friday, January 14, 2011

Super Wave Oven

We got a Sharper Image Super Wave Oven recently.  We have used it several times now. 
The Sharper Image Super Wave Oven is a cooker that combines halogen heat, convection and Infrared technology to keep foods moist on the inside and browned and crispy on the outside without the use of added fats or oils. Gentle infrared heat cooks food inside out, sealing in juices. Convection circulates the hot air, evenly distributing the heat and speeds, cooking up three times faster.

Here's a webpage about the oven:

I have to agree, it does cook three times faster!  I'm still learning how to cook with it.  It's tough to know how fast foods cook, because they cook in a fraction of the time they normally would cook in a regular oven.  And everything comes out crispy.  Any juices drip off the meat we cook, so it must be healthier than cooking in it's own juices.  So far we've cooked a ham, a roast, and a chicken in the Super Wave oven.
I love it, although I'm still learning how to use it.


  1. Wow, one came to my house by accident. UPS delivered it to the wrong house. I have never seen one before not to mention I just read the outside of the box. So glad you had a picture of one. I will be interested to see what else you cook.

  2. Wow, bet I wouldn't come across one of those at Goodwill! Is is easy to clean? Thanks for sharing.

  3. Wow-I’ve never heard of this but it sounds terrific. Can’t wait to hear about all the things you are making :)

  4. how interesting! keep us posted on how it does!

  5. Oooh, I saw one of those info commercials awhile ago about this. I really wondered if it did what was said about it. Sounds like it cooks beautifully. Hmm, one of these days I will have to get one. For now I have what I call a mini convection oven.
    Is it really easy to clean?

  6. Well this is an amazing machine. I haven't seen one of this before. Keep the information forthcoming on this.
    Glad you found my blog. We are of like mind it would seem. I took a look at your blog and you now have another follower. Between the chickens, the food photos and recipes, guinea tracks in the snow and the Holy Crap cake (hysterical).... I will be coming back.
    Thanks for your comment. Take care.

  7. I've never heard of one either. Interesting.

  8. Interesting. I've never even heard of these. I got rid of my microwave after reading some things about what microwaves do to food. But this sounds like an excellent alternative!

  9. Farm Girl - That's pretty funny you got one of these oven by mistake!

    Julie - No, these prob wont be in Goodwills, yet! To clean it I have to take the big glass oven/bowl and hand wash it. It's a pain because it's so big. It's too big to fit in my dishwasher, so it gets done in the sink. If I do it right away it doesn't get dry and isn't too bad to clean. But clean-up is never fun to me, anyway.

    Amy - I had never heard of it before, but then I saw an info-commmercial on TV.

    KK - I'm sure I'll post as I cook with it!

    Cindy - It's different. It's fast. I am afraid it's going to dry out foods because it cooks so fast and I don't know the foods is already done on the inside and may leave it in too long. We'll see.

    farmlady - I hope to visit your blog more, too! I became a follower!

    Robin - It is interesting. It's like a mini-oven.

    Leigh - I'll have to read up on what microwaves do to food now. I use mine all the time. Uh oh...


  10. I would kill for that basket in the previous post!!!!

  11. I have one too!! Love it!!! But.... Of you read the manual it tells you how it will clean itself!!! I know..crazy right!!?? But if you put about 2 to 3 inches of water at the bottom add a Lil dish soap then set out to 260 for 10mins. Its amazing!!! Then let it cool for a couple mins. I like to use a rag to clean the inside, then take it to my sink and dump out our and rinse it with the sprayer =)=) Out cooks and cleans itself. I LOVE mine!!=)


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