
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Blueberry Muffins

Made some blueberry muffins with crumb topping for work the other day.
They always turn out good.  Randy and I are still eating them here at the house, although the ones I took to work are long gone.
I've been dieing to bake an apple pie recently, but have been trying to hold off a little longer.  
I just get a baking "itch" sometimes!


  1. oooo they look very yummie! I know what you mean about the bakers itch i get them every now and again too!

  2. Have you given the recipe before? Hint, :) The topping looks wonderful and since I keep trying to find a decent topping for my muffins I was just wondering, but I totally understand if you don't, I know if you open a bakery someday you need to keep your trade secrets. :) They looks so yummy.

  3. Yum! I love muffins! I will try these - thanks!

  4. i love blueberry muffins and yours certainly look so good! i get that baking itch too especially this time of year. just made choc chip cookies and they are all gone! ;)

  5. Yummy! Yummy! Those muffins look very tasty!
    Yes, bake the apple pie! Mainly because we want to 'taste' it. :)

  6. One of those would have gone so nicely with my coffee this morning! Lucky folks at your place of work to enjoy your love of baking (or should I say your "itch" for baking)!

  7. They look amazing!!
    I get the baking itch when the temperatures drop below 40*. I can't give into the itch very often, as I fight my weight as it is.

  8. They look so good! It's a good thing I don't work with you or I'd weigh more than I do now!! They do look incredible though.

  9. Oh my gosh-these look so yummy. Blueberry are my favorite :)

  10. Hello!! I'm glad you found my blog.. yours is exactly the kind that I like to read too! I posted a comment back to you in mine about the aprons, I forgot to add in it that you can email me since that might be easier. My address is


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