
Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Daily Eggs

This basket shows our daily eggs from today. 
We got 11 eggs and 1 broken egg. From 13 older hens and 6 pullets.  In the middle of winter.
In those 11 eggs were 2 light green eggs.  We had thought that we only had 1 green-egg-laying pullet, but I quickly found out that we have 2 green-egg-laying pullets, as we often get 2 green eggs a day now. 
Jade was the first green-egg-laying pullet. 
We don't know who the second is yet. 
But we will solve that mystery! 


  1. Okay, I'm officially jealous....

    No eggs for me in almost two months. It'll make them taste even more delicious once they start laying again. (she tell herself :0))

  2. oh how pretty! how i wish i had chickens and fresh eggs!

  3. oh how pretty! how i wish i had chickens and fresh eggs!

  4. We are overrun with eggs right now and we don't get as many as you do, what are you doing with them?

  5. The laying is picking up here, too.

    Dislike those store bought eggs after having fresh ones.

  6. Now you need to come up with another lovely green name!

  7. Oh that’s wonderful. I’m still voting to name your next green egg layer Verde :)

  8. Wow, look at all those eggs! I'm still consistently getting 1 egg a day...which puts me at, well, 13 for the month. That's with 8 hens who aren't quite 3 years old. What are you feeding those birds of yours anyway? lol :-)

  9. Toni aka irishlas - No eggs! I'm so sorry! :(

    KK - I really love my chickens and love their eggs. I haven't had to but store eggs in over a year. I love to bake and eat alot of eggs, but my hens always keep up with plenty to spare. My hens are the bestest! :D

    CC - I bring them in to people at my work.

    Gail - I could never go back!!!

    Terry - I need to figure out which bird it is, first. The name has to match the bird! :) So that means I need to spend more time with the birds in the coop. Maybe this weekend...

    Amy - Randy wasn't too keen with Verde!!!!! I pronounced it for him and everything! I'll run it by him again. He approves all my names!

    Danni - My birds get homemade layer feed from the Mennonite farm feedstore down the way. They love the homemade feed better than the stuff from the regular feed stores. Plus they get table scraps. They love their treats. I like to give them pasta in the wintertime to fatten them up, but I haven't given them much pasta recently. They all are so very skinny right now. But they are pumping out eggs, dear ladies! I love their persistance! :)


  10. I am jealous too. My ladies aren't laying hardy at all. We got 5 today and 9 yesterday. Several are starting to squat when petted, so eggs should be coming soon.


  11. Matt - So when they squat like that when petted, that means they are wanting to start laying? I thought that meant they were being submissive, such as when a rooster is going to mount them and they don't fight him, they squat for him.

    Randy always tells the hens that they don't have to squat for him when he pets them. All our hens are very friendly and love to be held and pet. Well, all except Freckles, that is! She was our original wild hen and always has hated being touched by humans.


  12. Yum, Fresh eggs are the best. The green ones are always surprising :)


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