
Friday, January 8, 2010

Cold paws

Randy took Jack out for a walk early this morning in the fresh snow which we got last night.  Jack is always so excited to go outside, but he hates snow so much.  When Jack went outside & realized he'd actually have to walk in the cold snow, he changed his mind & requested to go back inside before he even stepped a paw off the porch.  But Randy "explained" to him that he had to take the time (about a minute, actually) to get him dressed up in his outdoor gear (his halter and leash), and so they were going out for a walk, snow or no snow.  So Randy drug the unhappy cat out for a VERY short walk in the snow.  Jack was ready to turn back after 20 steps - here he is pulling Randy back towards the house, with anger and hatred glowing in his eyes. 


  1. Priceless!! You take the cat out for a walk! On a leash! I love it. Yup, he sure does look a bit in a hurry in the first pic to get back to the house where he knows it is warm and doesn't have any of that awful fluffy, cold white stuff. Shhhhh, don't tell him, but he does look mighty handsome in his 'clothes'.

  2. Wow! What breed has flash light eyes?? LOL!

  3. I had to laugh! I'm sure the cat would really rather have NOT gone.

    Cute post!


  4. Cindy - Yep, Jack always goes out on a leash. He's a sweetie, but he get scared easily, and isn't that smart when it comes to "wild" animals. He'd run for 20 min in the wrong direction in a terrified state of mind if a deer even snorted at him from 50 yards away. He was a wild stray & was "abused" (with broken ribs) when we got him - who knows what happened to him. So he wears his halter & leash - he doesn't mind the "clothes", and seems to trust that the person with him will keep him safe when wildlife comes near. But he does hate snow, that's for sure.

    Barb - You'd better watch out, he'll shoot you with those laser beam eyes!

    Linda - But he loves to go out in the summertime!!!

  5. So cute! Many people do not realize you can leash train a cat. It is good for their safety.

  6. LOL. Jack sounds like Rascal, who also hates having to walk in snow! Fortunately for him we don't have any. Yet.

  7. Gail - I agree, so many people don't realize you can train cats at all. We've trained cats to fetch, to shake hands, to sit up & beg, and Jack loves walking with a harness and leash. I don't have a dog, so I just have my cats to train.

    Leigh - I hope you stay snow-free!


  8. I absolutely love that first picture. How funny.


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