
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Fortune Cookie fortune

Got this in my fortune cookie the other day:

It is better to have a hen tomorrow than an egg today


  1. Now that fortune could open a big debate and be quite enjoyable.

  2. It was so funny when I got this fortune... I had just decided that very day that we should sell our one and only hen because she wasn't getting along with the approx 2 dozen little chicks that we had. We had to keep her separated, and this forced us to partition our coop which made a smaller area for all the chicks. Anyway, then I got this fortune, and didn't sell the hen because of it! I'm not superstitious or anything, but I just changed my mind. And shortly the hen started laying eggs for us. And now she gets along fine with everyone else, now that they are all getting bigger. I'm glad I kept her because of this fortune!

  3. You are just too much!! LOL! Glad you kept the hen tough. - Pretty cold outside isn't it? 28 here, but feels colder!

  4. Talk about good timing! Especially for your hen! How funny you would get a fortune about a hen when you were considering getting rid of the one you have. Hmmm. Things happen in mysterious ways. :)

  5. Barb - I'm also glad I kept Freckles the hen.

    Cindy - The timing of this fortune was uncanny. I'm keeping this little slip of paper! It saved the life of Freckles!

  6. Terry got a fortune one time that was blank...we had a great laugh over that!

    I enjoyed your story about your little hen also.


  7. Linda - a blank fortune - how funny!!!


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