
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Broken-Toe Chicken Update

Just a quick update on the chicken with a broken toe who has moved into my living room.  Yes, you read that right, she's living in my living room.  In the chicken infirmary, which is a large glass fish tank.  She broke her toe a week ago tomorrow. 

Based on intel from Danni at Critter Farm who knows a couple chicken gurus who deal with chicken issues on a much more regular basis, I started the hen on water with aspirin for pain, then a day later I taped her toe straight.  Previously she was holding the toe curled up in the wrong direction, which made walking near impossible.  The hen didn't mind the taping as much as I thought she would, and has been using the foot with the broken toe for balance, which is a step in the right direction.  But she still isn't walking well at all; she spends a lot of time lying down.  I tried to put her back with the other chickens, but they thought the tape on the toe was really odd and needed pecked, so she's back healing by herself in my living room.  She visits the other chickens now only with human supervision to keep the others from pecking her.  The goal is to get that toe healed up as straight as possible, get the tape off, and get her out of my house ASAP.  In the meantime, the hen has been enjoying XM Radio and Satellite TV.  She loves to snuggle with me on my lap on the couch; Jack the cat is jealous that she took his spot.  Shadow, the other cat, often thinks about chicken dinner.     

Thanks to everyone for the assitance and guidance with my chicken issues.  I sometimes feel like this is an online family - it's pretty cool to know you guys!


  1. You are so wonderful! Bringing your hen into the house while she heals. Thanks to you ( and Danni) I will know what to do in case something like that happens to the girlies here. I see you give your girlie a bowl of goodies too. Oh, that was funny about Shadow thinking chicken dinner.

  2. She sure does look cozy in that picture, sitting on her pretty little towel with all her must-haves around her. I love the image of her sitting on your lap watching t.v.!! My Sparrow, an Easter Egger hen, used to watch movies with us when she was much smaller, but that stopped quite a while ago. Spiderman was her favorite. :-)
    You're a wonderful chicken mama, Lynn - I hope she is back in coop with her chicken girlfriends very soon. (Though she may not want to go - LOL)

  3. Thank goodness for Danni. It is so comforting to know chicken experts or seasoned chicken keepers are only an e-mail away. Hope your little girl heals soon. She does appear to be enjoying her time alone with her "chicken Mama". I need to confess I received my chicken diaper in the mail today and I can't wait to try it out!

  4. LOL - Really Julie??!! You have a chicken diaper?! Oh, my...I can't wait for *that* blog post...Lynn and I might be right behind you if such a thing actually works out! LOL

  5. That hen is so cute sitting there! She has the markings of an eagle! Did you ever notice that? - Have fun with your hen. I hope the cats stay away.... far away!

  6. Cindy - Yes, you see the plate of spaghetti and corn mixed with grit there... I admit I spoil my animals. I cook up frozen corn for her - it's her favorite thing.

    Danni - I think she is cozy, but lonely. I hope she is back with her family soon, too!

    Julie - I CANNOT WAIT for you blog on the chicken diaper!!!! I read once that a city woman had a hen in the house that used a cat litter box. I don't know if I believe that. I am constantly cleaning up chicken poop now that I'm trying to encourage this hen to walk again on my living room floor. Luckily I have wood floors and not carpet! A diaper would solve my problems there! :-)

    Barb - Randy & I have said the hen looks like a hawk. She has 2 twin sisters, too.

  7. Yes girls a chicken diaper, it is black with white flowers. You can never be too prepared. If you decide to purchase a diaper, My Pet Chicken has them with free shipping. One particular site charged almost $10.00!

  8. She's really a pretty chicken. So glad you have some helpful things to do for her. I hope she's on the mend and back with the other girls soon.

  9. She has really pretty feathers. I agree that she reminds me of an eagle. Is she doing any better yet with the walking?


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