
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Freckles Laid an Egg!

We have one hen named Freckles based on a suggestion from Sue (Thanks, Sue).  Well, Freckles laid her first egg last night!  What a shock! It's a medium sized, light brown egg.

We bought Freckles along with 8 chicks back in October.  I didn't expect her to lay an egg yet because she still is mothering her chicks, but she surprised me!  I like the name Freckles because she has these dark spots on her shoulders.

We don't expect any of our other chickens to lay any eggs until the April/May timeframe next year because they were all born in October. But maybe Freckles will bless us with her eggs all winter long!
Thank you, Freckles!!


  1. Oh, good for you! I love going out and gathering the eggs. Now you get to do so.


  2. How exciting! I was practically jumping up and down when I got my first egg.

  3. Congratulations! What a wonderful surprise. And just think, it's the first of many more to come.

  4. Hey! Freckles laid a freckled egg!! Freckles is a lovely hen - congrats on her first egg. :-)

  5. I always look at your blog but do not always have time to comment.. We had chickens at home when I was growing up. Nothing like going into the chicken coop and gathering your own eggs. I like chickens and yours are so pretty..especially leggy who is definitely a 'pet' rooster. I also loved the foggy morning with a whitetail deer jumping across the path. Have a great holiday season!!

  6. Freckles is sooo pretty. And she gifted you an egg! Isn't it exciting? The first egg my girls gifted me I was so excited. I showed everyone! Okay, they weren't nearly as excited as I was, but hey, I thought it was something pretty neat. I love collecting the eggs everyday. And I thank my girls each time.

  7. Linda - Yes, now I get to gather the eggs! Ok, it's only one egg at a time, but still, I'm happy!

    Robin - I was also practically jumping up and down when Randy found the first egg. I just didn't expect it at all, I was so surprised.

    Leigh - Freckles already gave us a second egg, too! And hopefully many more!

    Danni - Thank you!!

    Jalynn - I know what you mean, I read so many blogs, often I just don't have time to comment, either. Happy Holidays to you, too!

    AJ-Oaks - I found myself mentioning to everyone that my one and only hen laid an egg. Finally people started saying "I know already!!", and then I realized maybe I'm just talking too much about my new gift!


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