
Monday, November 7, 2011

Orange Chiffon Cake with an Orange Glaze

Today's special is a orange chiffon cake with an orange glaze.  

Chiffon cakes are lighter and more fluffy than traditional cakes. 
This one is my very first chiffon cake.  Come on over for a piece!


  1. That's a beauty, Lynn! Ronna would be impressed.

  2. You are so hard on a diet! That cake looks awesome and I think I gained a pound just by the picture. :)

  3. Oh man! That looks great! I'll be there in a minute!!

  4. Nat - No, this doesn't even begin to compare to Ronna's masterpieces!

    Benita - That's funny because I'm always on a diet myself! And then I cheat and have some cake! :)

    Barb - I know you are quite the baker yourself!


  5. I'll be right there . . . I wish! I'll bring the coffee.

  6. This makes me hungry just looking at it. I wish I had some cake right now, but I'm glad I at least have some cookies.

  7. Ronna is impressed and she wants a piece of it tout de suite! (That means NOW!!!) Looks yummy, Lynn!!


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