
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Autumn Photos

Autumn has hit us here at Razzberry Corner.  It sometimes feels more like winter!
Here are some photos and a video I took last weekend.

This is an old, tired tree at sunset.  To me it has such character.

Look for the historic brick column in the photo below.  It lines our drive.


Walking to the front fields, through the trees and bushes...

Fall colors are just starting to show.

You can hear the guineas welcoming you in the below video!
The video is a panoramic of the front fields.

Have a good evening!


  1. I love hearing those guineas, your property is so lovely a perfect place for a lovely stroll. Sending greetings from Maine.

  2. It kind of looks like spring, fall, and winter, because of the pink flowers, colorful leaves, and leaf less trees. : )

  3. Beautiful beginnings of fall. I love the soft pastel colors which I'm sure will be more vibrant as the weather changes. Absolutely stunning piece of property you are blessed to live on and care for.

  4. So pretty! We don't have fall out here in southern CA. It just gets a little cooler and the leaves fall off the trees out of sheer exhaustion. They don't even change color much. Your trees, on the other hand, are such gorgeous colors!

  5. Love that old tree. The video I had to giggle at only because just as I was playing it, my Guineas started their hollering. Surround sound!
    I love your property!
    Oh, saw the brick column and it looks just like the ones out front of my place.

  6. Your property is so beautiful, Lynn. Love the guinea welcome!

  7. Hello. It's good news !

  8. if I got as many as you the villagers would run me out of town x

  9. I like that tree photo with the black reaching branches! ~ When we went to Maine the other weekend, the red leaves had just fallen off the trees with the rains! We just missed them! I saw you had a blogger from Maine following you from Dog Trot Farm. I wonder if she is near Nick at North Whitefield?

  10. Julie, Thanks!

    Joseph - It kind of feels like winter these days!

    Linda- Thanks!

    CAGrammy - I am blessed. But it's alot of work!

    Kessie- Lol, that's funny, the leaves fall off in sheer exhaustion!

    Cindy - Don't you just love your guineas?

    Nat - The guineas always send their welcome!

    John - Your village is beautiful.

    Barb - I need to go check out your blog!



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