
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Red Velvet and Cream Cheese Heaven

I don't even know where to begin in my first real blog post after a month of no internet.  So very much has happened.  I don't even remember where I left off....

So I started by looking at photos I had left in my camera that I didn't transfer over to the computer...
Ah ha!!! 
I remember now!

Those cupcakes.... Those beautiful, wonderful, delish cupcakes....

I made red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.  I had never made red velvet nor never made cream cheese frosting.  I was hesitant, but did it for a friend.  I like my buttercream icing, why try something else?  And I'm not too keen on chocolate, either... isn't red velvet a relative of chocolate?

Ha, now I'll never ask that again.
Those cupcakes were my very favorite cupcakes ever.  I loved the cream cheese icing.  I put red sugar on top to decorate them. 
I just downloaded the recipe online.  Who knew there were such secrets like these recipes just lurking out on the internet, waiting to be downloaded and tried? 

Now I can't wait to try all sorts of other baking ideas!  My horizon has been expanded!


  1. Oh my! Those look beautiful AND delicious!

  2. Today is a cold & rainy day here.....sounds like a great day to make some cupcakes now that I can't stop thinking about yours!

  3. Red Velvet and Cream cheese are my very favorite. Do you know I have a secret goal of making a whole red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting and eating it with a fork?
    I love it that much.
    It might have to remain a dream since now I am off of all things wheat. Oh well, still it is there. :)
    Beautiful job.

  4. I used to love red velvet cake. Seems like someone always makes that for a covered dish supper at church. Then I went to make it myself and found out how much red dye is in there. Sorry. Can't bring myself to do it. But.... I still like them in small does!

  5. They look wonderful! Please share the link for the recipe. :)

  6. I am not a big icing fan but I LOVE cream cheese icing, especially on carrot cake. YOu make beautiful cupcakes!


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