
Monday, July 11, 2011

Hard Working Farm Cat

Bobby the farm cat has become a standard fixture around here.  He's always outside, nearby, waiting for a pet, offering a helping hand.  Well, he would help if he could.  We feed the chickens, he's right there watching.  We work out in the fields, we hear his little voice talking to us from under the bushes nearby.
When Randy was spending nights outside hunting the guinea killer, Bobby was by his side all night.
The guineas are so used to him they ignore him now.  And he's not afraid of them, either.

Here's Bobby lounging by the front door.  You can see my new boots I just put on for my photo shoot for yesterday's post in the reflection!  He wasn't impressed with the boots.

Bobby's getting fat - he's got a white spot of fur on his fat tummy.  The white spot is growing as his tummy is growing.  Maybe I'm overfeeding him - just a little...

The raccoons and Bobby are friends, although it doesn't look like it in this picture!  I often see the coons and Bobby all sitting side-by-side on the front porch, begging for food from me.  The coon in the photo below was wanting to eat Bobby's leftover cat food that he didn't finish, but I had just chased her off the porch.  She was begging me for the food, trying to sneak on the porch when she thought I wasn't looking.
But Bobby wouldn't let her past him -he wasn't moving out of her way.

Bobby's eyes glow light blue at nighttime.  Often at night we look outside and see 2 little blue glowing lights in the bushes; we know it's Bobby watching over the property.  I haven't seen any other animal who's eyes glow blue like Bobby's.  The other cats' eyes glow yellow (Jack) and green (Shadow) in the dark.  It's funny how different animals have different colored eyes in the dark.

I didn't want another farm cat, but this one's a keeper now.


  1. Yeaah for farm cats! And thanks for my daily dose of cat pictures!

  2. They do have their way of taking over the house. :)

  3. It IS funny how his eyes glow blue! He's a pretty kitty and I'm glad he turned out to be a keeper. He seems quite content too!

  4. Ooooh, Bobby has some gorgeous eyes at night! He sounds like quite the protector over the farm.
    Love your new boots! :)

  5. Such beautiful blue eyes! Are cats weren't farm cats, they were the exact opposite, but they have adapted well since we moved out here and now they are all about the farm work!!

  6. He's beautiful and I'm glad you're keeping him. He's obviously tame. Wonder what his story is.

  7. ah he is adorable. all farm cats are perfect little things. one cannot have too many!

  8. Our cat Hobie's eyes glow blue at night too! They are green/yellow during the day. How fun!


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