
Monday, June 20, 2011

Caught in a Thunderstorm!

We have a little raccoon that come up in the afternoons to check the cat food bowl for leftover food.  She's a young mama coon.  So far she keeps her babies hidden out in the woods.  I can't help but smile at her.  She smiles back at me as she chatters at me.

Friday afternoon we had a sudden thunderstorm that drenched everything, including the little coonie girl.

Is there any more food?

Ha, I found a piece of catfood!

Jack the cat watches the coon girl through the window from inside the safety of the house.  Jack thought it was quite funny to see the raccoon all wet!  He was smiling his cheshire cat smile.  Life is good for Jack.


  1. I love racoons!! In NS and NB most raccoons have rabies, so people don't like them very much. I still love them!!

  2. I guess little raccoon Momma is telling you the food is all gone. The picture of that cat makes me think there should be a little yellow feather hanging out his mouth he looks so smug.
    Great pictures.

  3. Poor raccoon!! The cat looks pretty smug about being warm and dry. And the lilies are beautiful!

  4. Lisa - I love coons, too, but they aren't good for farm animals. I've never seen an animal with rabies.

    CeeCee - Me too! Jack is a lucky boy.

    Farm Girl - Jack is smug. He doesn't realize how good he has it! he's a spoiled cat!

    Nat - The coon girl really didn't mind the rain that much - it probably cooled her down! It's been so hot out, I've been enjoying the daily rains because it does get cooler when it rains.



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