
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from Razzberry Corner!

As you enjoy your day with family and friends, I thought I'd share some pictures from around here.


Sunrise over backyard

Old black walnut tree



  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

    Looks like you're mistreating the cats again. :)

  2. Love your corral and your kitties!

    Have a wonderfully blessed day!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  4. You have a lovely day too. At least there is no snow in those pictures yet. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  5. Good morning Razzberry Corner, Jack, and Shadow! Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. Beautiful Sunrise! Makes you want to get up in the morning for sure:))

    Have a wonderful day...and a wonderful new (sunrise)one tomorrow:))

  7. Lovely! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  8. I hope you're having a wonderful Thanksgiving, Lynn!
    Enjoy the long holiday weekend. :-)

  9. Happy Thanksgiving, Lynn! Made it down to NC without incident yesterday and beat the traffic too, so I'm happy. I had a great audiobook to keep me company, so the time passed really fast. We had a wonderful dinner with some delectable leftovers for tomorrow and Saturday. Hope your holiday was wonderful!

  10. Hoping you all had a nice day today. We did. I am very tired now after cleaning everything up with Dave. Nick called tonight too. He is coming home Dec. 14. Mika may come a little later. - Got to hit the hay! Good night. I will post pictures later!

  11. Lovely pics!

    Hope your turkey day was a good one!

  12. CeeCee - Yep, we've been mistreating those kitties so much!

    Gail - Thanks!

    Amy - Hope you had a great day!

    Farm Girl - Nope - no snow! yeah!

    CAGrammy - Happy Turkey Day to you, too!

    Dawn - I love sunrises. It's so easy to miss them!

    Terry & Chai Chai- Happy Thanksgiving to you & your families, too!

    Danni - I am enjoying the long weekend!

    Genny - I really do love those audiobooks, too. They make driving go by quickly. Give the grandkids a great big hug from me! They are just so adorable!

    Barb - Did all the company leave? Glad you had a nice day!

    John Gray - Did you celebrate Thanksgiving?

    Toni - Thanks! Hope your tday was festive! I love turkey! Now I will be eating turkey for days!


  13. Your kitties are gorgeous! Hope you had a great T-day.


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