
Monday, October 25, 2010

Another Deer Antler

Last week Randy found yet another little deer antler in the woods...

This one was down past the front fields in the edge of the trees.  I found a smaller one in that general area before.  Obviously, this one had been there a while, as the deer are not loosing their antlers now, so I must have missed it before.  


  1. I would love to find stuff like that. You do live in a magical place.
    When I was a kid when we first moved here there was this old garage and all the way around the inside was full racks of antlers. I wonder where they went. I didn't even remember it until I saw yours.

  2. Pretty neat. I've seen deer around here, but have never found one of those.

  3. Oh nice! Are you going to do something with it, or display it?

  4. i love naturally shed antlers! never found any until last spring and i got to find both of Bossy's Boy's! i go in to woods and look too but these were in the open fields.

  5. How neat. We found one simliar to this one here but that is the only one we've found. I bet you have a lot of deer.
    Amy :)

  6. I'm going to live somewhere one day where deer love to hang out. I'll even plant some things for them to dine on, so they'll come & visit.

    Thanks to you,too, for visiting my place, btw. Yes - do tell your Mom about the solution we found to our cat's midnight serenades. If she wants to contact me directly, please invite her to e-mail me. My address is on my side-bar.


  7. Cool! Randy needs to come find me some antlers at our place. THey MUST be out there in the woods, but I never see any!!

  8. Farm Girl - Isn't that funny how you forgot about the antlers in the old garage. I wonder what happened to them?

    Leigh - We never found antlers around any of our other houses, although there were deer, until we moved here. It's something about this place.

    Terry - No, just add it to the collection. We have lots of them now.

    Kritter Keeper - I love your deer! I love how you know which antlers belonged to which bucks!

    Amy - I guess we have alot of deer. I always seem to notice the same deer hang around for a while, then move on and another small group of deer moves in. If I could only tell them apart from each other!

    Carolynn - I told my Mom about the solution you found to your cat's midnight serenades. She laughed!

    Knatolee - That's what I always said about the former properties where we lived. Never found ANY antlers, but we knew they must have been there. Now, at our current farm, all we have to do is take a quick stroll and the antlers jump out at us. We cannot miss them. I don't know what the difference is. I like to think this place is magical, personally...



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