
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Big Day is Friday!

It's almost here! 

Everyone's talking, they're all excited.

Excited about what, Lucy?

The big day is almost here!  It's almost Zoner's big day!

Zoner's eggs are due to start hatching Friday!  Just 2 more days!

These will be the first eggs we hatched from our very own chickens.  We started with 10 eggs, one just disappeared, and one broke when a chicken who was trying to push Mama Zoner out of the nest stepped on it.  So there are 8 left.  We haven't touched them in the past 2 weeks, but it seems Zoner pushes them around under her sometimes.  We hope they all make it!  Zoner has been getting very mean, pecking us when we just look in her direction.  Maybe she knows the big day is almost here!  

Till Friday...


  1. I hatched chicks last year from my silkie hen and a mille fleur hen, one thing that just shocked me is the chicks inside the egg peep before they hatch. Listen to it, it just filled me with such awe and amazement. I felt so blessed. I loved hatching my own chicks.

  2. Farm Girl - Oh, that is soooo very neat! I am going to listen to the eggs today!!!! Thank you for telling me this!


  3. Can't wait for pictures!
    Yes, the peeping before they hatch is the coolest. The hen will 'talk' back to them, too. Maybe encouraging them as they try to break free.

  4. Be sure not to help them break the egg...the fight helps them build the stamina they need...

  5. Love hatching 5 on the nest for end of June...It's been a while since I've had chicks so I'll have to modify the brooder box to keep the roosters out of the hen's way...

  6. Oh, I can't wait to hear all about the babies and see pictures!! I feel like an expectant aunt.

  7. CeeCee - Today I took Zoner out of the nestbox, and carefully I listened to the eggs. I didn't hear anything. :-( Maybe it was just too early?? It was tough, I have so much peeping going on with the baby guinea keets in the coop at the same time.

    Judy - You have 5 chicks hatching soon - how exciting! I promise I will not help mine break the eggs, no matter how excited I will be to see them!

    Aunt Genny - I will most definitely take pictures & post them!!! :-) You know it!

    ~ Lynn

  8. I hope hatches them all.

    You may want to watch any other broodies. They sometimes will try to take the newly hatched chicks. Fighting mothers can end badly for the chicks.


  9. I can't wait to see the babies!

  10. Oh, how exciting. I remember when the White Silkies here sat on eggs as I counted the days down.
    Tomorrow is the Big Day!!! What a great idea to write on the eggs the date they were laid. Hmmm, gonna have to do that for the next time.
    Wishing all those chicks that hatch to be hens!!! :)

  11. Ooooh...I can almost hear the chatter from here! (p.s. Lucy has the prettiest markings on her feathers!!)
    Hey, do you have a home-use stethoscope? You could maybe listen to the egg chirping better that way?

  12. Matt - We separated Zoner from the other hens. Right now she's locked into her nest box with chicken fencing. Tomorrow she will move into Bella's "nursery", which is a room within the coop created with chicken fencing and a door. That way the mama hen & babies can see the other chickens, but cannot be hurt by them.

    Knatolee - Be patient!!!! they are SO CUTE!

    Cindy - yeah, we wrote the day the eggs were laid on them. That way if another hen laid an egg in the pile, we could tell which was the new egg. All the hatching eggs were laid on May 28. We wanted a good variety from many hens, so we took 10 eggs from the same day.

    Danni - no stethoscope needed anymore, there's LOTS of peeps coming from those eggs now!!




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