
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Odd Chicken Egg?

Yesterday we got this weird egg in one of our chicken nest boxes!  It was only .2 ounces, had a hard shell, and had the weirdest shape!  We have a dozen young pullets who are just starting to lay ~ I'm sure this was someone's first egg.  But I've never seen one look like this before!


  1. Um, that is truly the weirdest egg I have ever seen! Wonder why it came out looking like that. Are you going to eat it or open it up and see what the inside looks like?

  2. Ah ha ha ha!!! Ewwwwww!!!
    I *love* it! My smallest egg ever was .2 ounces and round, just like a marble. I put in in a basket in my window and saved it. Are you going to save this one? It's amazing looking. I can't believe it's hard-shelled.
    Super cool, Lynn! :-)

  3. p.s. I hope you don't mind, but I am directing any readers of my blog to your blog today. This is an egg to be ADMIRED! :-)

  4. Never seen anything like it! :O

    You need to post it in your egg count as odd chicken eggs...hopefully you won't get any more, but ya never know! ;D

  5. If this was that hens first egg. Bet that hen was thinking ouch this is going to rough laying these eggs ... tee hee

  6. I can over from farmgirl's blog so that I could see your fascinating egg....that is so strange! Never seen one like that before. That must have been a pretty big surprise when you went out to collect eggs!!!

  7. I have to agree with Danni....Ewwwwww!! It looks a little hairy too!! Ewwwwwww!!!
    Hope you don't have anymore of those!!

  8. Ouch! is right. You should save it. Never seen the like!

  9. Eww! That is just grossly cool and fascinating!

  10. Yikes! That is one eye watering egg!!!
    Our girls have laid some shockers but yours takes the prize!!!
    Freaky and alittle gross

  11. Cool! We got one without a shell yesterday. I guess March is the time for weird eggs.

  12. Cindy - We cracked open our wierd egg - it had no yolk! It had just the clear part inside.

    Danni - didn't your .2 oz egg rot if you left it sit in the window? And of course I don't mind you sharing my "treasure" with your readers!!

    Tammy - I just made a "Weird Egg Count" part in my egg count section. Good idea!

    Texan - That poor hen was thinking that her life sucks when she laid this as a first egg! The pullets always screech so much when they need to lay, I feel bad for them! I've learned to tell who's going to lay by how noisy they are.

    frugalmom - Yes - my husband went out & collected the eggs yesterday afternoon and he called me at work & told me I had a "surprise from the chicken coop".

    Eve - It did look hairy in the pic! Gross! It actually was not hairy, but it had a bumpy shell. I said "Ewwwww" when I first saw it, too!

    Alan - sorry, we broke it open to see what was inside. We were just too curious!

    A Bit of Country Cupcakes - I love how you descrive it as "eye watering"!!! lol!

    Christy - I just checked out your egg without the shell. It was a soft egg. Haven't seen one of those - yet!!


  13. That's enough to put me off my feed for awhile. Looks like a gooey duck.

  14. Lynn, if you hadn't told us it was an egg, I never would have guessed!

  15. If that were my first egg, I would never lay another.

    Strange but at the beginning and end of cycles and with young layers it is not uncommon.

    I do think you should get a blue ribbon for most unusual egg.

  16. In response to your question about my tiny egg rotting: So...when the eggs are small like that (I have a .4 and a .2 ouncer), you can put them in a sunny, warm spot and let them dry out naturally. I can shake those little eggs now and hear a hard little yolk rattling around inside. :-)

  17. What a strange looking egg and it looks like it was hard to lay!! Poor chicken. I also was looking through the posts I missed and wanted to ask you how is your eye? I can't imagine having a rooster peck my eye. Ouch! big time.

  18. That is just weird! We've had soft eggs and wrinkled eggs, tiny eggs and double yolkers, but I've never seen one like that! It looks like a gourd.

  19. Wow! What an egg! I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it!

  20. That is the weirdest, coolest, grossest egg ever! Very neat though. We never got any eggs that were odd like that. Just lots of double yokers when the hens started laying.

  21. Okay, that is totally weird. We haven't gotten anything that strange out of our chickens yet! Funnily enough, I just picked up a library book called Egg & Nest, and it has pictures of a few eggs that look more or less like this one! Very bizarre!

  22. Eeek! That must have hurt! I hope it doesn'tput your hens off laying for life!

  23. goatgirl - you make me laugh!! :-)

    Leigh - how are your little chicks these days?

    Gail - Thanks for the blue ribbon vote! I wish I knew which hen it was from! Poor girl!

    Farmer Jen - me too!

    Danni - I didn't know you could dry out eggs - I would have saved this one instead of breaking it open! Oh well, next time I'll save it!!

    Jalynn - My eye is ok now. It hurt like anything that night it was pecked, and the next day it was all purple. I learned my lesson!!!

    Jenny - it did look like a gourd!!!

    Nancy - I never expected something weird like that!

    Robin - We have not gotten any double yolks, yet!!

    Knatolee - I'm going to go check out the Egg & Nest book! Sounds interesting!


  24. That is one crazy egg!! Can't say I've ever seen something like that before!

  25. Oh my goodness...I've had chickens for years and years and have never seen anything like that! Kim

  26. I've had two eggs like this in less than a week except mine are more thin and pink in colour. Can find no information online to what this means, it's bizarre :(


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