
Monday, March 8, 2010

The Lucky Walk

Yesterday was such a nice day - it was 60 degrees F outside.  The snow is almost gone and forgotten, my mind is on springtime.  And so the orange cat, Jack, and I went for a long walk to enjoy the spring weather.

Jack loves his routine. I take him out on a leash - he used to be a wild, outside cat, and that time in his life is over. He has broken ribs, many scars, and horrible fears of all sudden outside noises to show for it. He doesn't mind his leash at all.

When we go out, we run past the chicken enclosure (Jack and the chickens do not get along), then we walk down the dirt path, stopping only to roll in the dirt, and then he climbs "his" tree - which is a dogwood with low branches.

Eventually I have to remove him from the tree, or he'd stay up there all afternoon.  When he gets out of the tree he always smells the nearby woodchuck holes, and I always keep him from going down one, fearful that maybe a fox or coon has moved in.  Then he always rolls in the grass. 


This time, since the weather was so nice, we went for a walk around the field.  At one point Jack insisted on going into the woods, so I followed.  We walked down a well used deer path, and surprisingly, Jack led me to an old deer antler which was laying on the ground. 

I've been told that finding a deer antler in the woods is lucky, so I guess Jack brought me some luck this day!


  1. What a nice walk with Jack! It sounds very nice and peaceful out down there. It is supposed to be in the 40's here today. I think I will walk to a local waterfall and check that out with JJ today. I am glad Spring is arriving! -By the way, beautiful pictures of Jack!!

  2. I think it's pretty amazing little wild, scared, lucky to have found you Jack will walk on a harness and a leash. I've always wanted an orange cat. I'm so happy that Jack found his forever home even if he never found his meow.

  3. Barb - How was the waterfall?

    Genny - Jack always shows how grateful he is to have found us. He's the sweetest cat I've ever known. I am lucky to have him. And you must have read past posts about his meow!! You're right, he cannot meow, he only squeaks. I always wonder if his broken ribs have something to do with his broken voice...


  4. Jack looks like he thinks he's the king of the wild when he is sitting in the tree. I like it.

  5. I love orange kitties! He looks very happy. All our cats are indoor kitties (it certainly saves on vet bills!) but they have an outdoor caged enclosure they like in the warmer weather. Jack is adorable.


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