
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Chicken Injury...

Yet another chicken injury to post about.  But this one is not what you think...

This time I got injured.  By a chicken.

Tonight the rooster I call "Brown Spot" was sitting on my right knee, the rooster I call "Leggy" was on my left knee, I was sitting on the coop floor petting both birds.  Both birds are lovers, love to cuddle, totally get along with each other... 

Brown Spot

I was talking to a hen named Lucy, who was in front of me, I was noticing how pretty she is, petting the two roos, when Brown Spot pecked me in my right eye!  In the eyeball.  Guess he thought he should be getting all my attention...

Boy, did that hurt!  My eye is all swelled up and still hurts.  I have red peck marks around the eye.  I've had ice on it for the past hour now.

...I never thought I'd be injured by one of my chickens!!  Silly birds!  Brown Spot didn't mean to hurt me, and I don't blame him.  But from now on I will pay attention to the chickens on my knees!


  1. Ouch, that sounds painful. Take care of that eye! I try to be careful around the chickens when it comes to my eyes because I know how they love to peck things that catch their attention.

  2. Are you KIDDING me? Enough with the injuries already! Did you rinse your eye? How does one even go about disinfecting an eyeball?
    I'm so sorry...that sucks. Swollen, huh? ugh!


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