
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Blizzard of 2010 11AM Feb 6, 2010

We are in the middle of the Blizzard of 2010.  The snow is coming down hard, and they call it moderate snowfall on the news.  This afternoon and tonight the news predicts heavy snowfall for us.  It snowed all day yesterday, all night last night, and is predicted to snow all day today and all night tonight.  Will it ever quit snowing?  So far, we estimate we have about 2 to 3 feet of snow, but it's hard to tell because the snow has blown and drifted.  In some places, it comes up to our house windows.  Below is a pic of our front yard.  That's a four-wheel drive truck snowed in on the left.

Here is my car ~ the snow almost totally covers the wheels.  I will not be driving anywhere any time soon!

I'll post more pics are the blizzard progresses. 


  1. I'm really glad your man made it back home to you before the storm hit! Stay warm...

  2. That is a lot of snow!!!!! Holy smokes! And more predicted to hit! Stay safe and warm. Please keep us updated.


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