
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Blizzard of 2009

We've gotten over 14 inches of snow & it's still coming down!  The news just called it the blizzard of 2009.

Randy bought a tractor a few weeks ago.  He's been plowing the dirt road leading to our house as the snow's been coming down to keep it manageable.  The only thing he doesn't like about the tractor is that it doesn't have a covered cab.  Here he draped a tarp over the cab to keep the seat dry.

We put out extra seeds for our feathered friends.


  1. What beautiful views you have.
    My hubby has a tractor without a cab too-he has to really bundle up to use it-walks around looking like a stuffed sausage!

  2. The picture of the little red bird is so beautiful. I really would like to know more about your place. A 200 year old house! What is the history of your place? With that much acreage what was the farm used for? So many questions! I love old houses. Slowly but surely I have been reading through your blog. Looking forward to your next entry.

  3. Sue - Yes, Randy really bundles up to work in the tractor. He wishes it had an enclosed cab, but the price was right, so he got it anyway. And it really came in handy with all the snow we still have!

    AJ-OAKS - My house has so much history, it's so interesting. It was built in the 1800's, but before that the same family had another "mansion" on this property, which was destroyed, around the time of the War of 1812 when the British came thru this area going to Washington to the historic "burning of Washington". I am continually looking for the old original house. The father/property owner was a local minister. It is believed this and other land was originally owned by John Smith, the explorer, and he gave it to his cousin to encourage him to travel to this country. Then the minister's family had the land, and it was passed down thru the family until the 1950's when someone else bought it. It was a great tobacco farm - tobacco was a big crop here. They also had animals, and raised rye and other grains. It's so cool to think that these colonists lived right here in my very house. People were born and died here... It makes me enjoy history again!

  4. I love your old house. Are you interested in genealogy? Just living where our fore-father's lived is really very special.


  5. Wow!! You are experiencing the kind of snowstorm that we were in the middle of exactly one year ago today! Very pretty, but I hope it doesn't impact your holiday plans!
    I have tractor-envy...very nice!
    Oooh, a cardinal! We don't have those out here...but we do have the stellar's jay...a similar-looking bird, but in a brilliant blue color.
    Stay warm!!

  6. That bird is so pretty. I love your snow pictures. I'm not sure that I want it to snow here as I got tired of being cold during that cold snap that went through. So I will just admire your snow from afar :)


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