
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Historic East Coast Snowstorm!

Wow, do we have snow!  It's about 8-12 inches, and forcast to continue all day for us! This is the view from my front porch this morning!  Stay tuned, I'll have more pictures as I venture out further! 

Too bad this isn't a work day for me - I'm sure all businesses in Washington will be closed today!  Wonder if the stores will be closed?  I still have some Christmas shopping to do...


  1. Oh how beautiful. I do so love a big snow storm. I would just stay home and enjoy-can the shopping wait?

  2. We are getting snow now. Started about 5. I don't think we will have as much as you.... but we will wait and see. The dogs love the snow!! JJ and his friends too!

  3. Sue - yes, the shopping had to wait! We stayed home & enjoyed the snow - it was beautiful!

    Barb - We got 22 inches of snow! It was kinda scary knowing we were snowed in! But it was beautiful & fun!


  4. Very beautiful snow! Looking at snow is one the most peaceful things there is, after the looking, it all changes. Chores are not fun in the snow.



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