
Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Road Less Traveled

One of my favorite poems is The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. I can't say these pictures are of a road not taken, because it's the only real road to our house, but it's a road less traveled than the paved streets.  And I love our place down the road less traveled.

With all the rain we've been getting here in Maryland, our road is muddy in places.

Field beside the road

There's always wood to be split.  This pile is from a past tree that fell across the road; we just haven't taken the time to split it & put it in the stacked wood area, so it sits beside the road for now.  The leaves are falling - Autumn is pretty in the woods.

Wild Mountain Holly beside our road.


  1. I love Holly. When I was a kid on the farm we would always walk down into the woods and pick Holly for Christmas. -- Tell Randy hello.-Barb

  2. I love that poem too, and it is our favorite way to find adventure....we've seen some amazing things taking "that"road!
    Beautiful photos!

  3. Absolutely beautiful Lynn. I can see why you love the drive to your house.

  4. Barb - I was thinking of making different homemade decorations for Christmas this year, using wild holly and evergreens from the property.

    Sue - I've always loved to take trips down less traveled ways. From reading your blog it seems you do, too. All your adventures sound very interesting!

    Robin - Thank you!


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