
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Went out this morning for a quick walk, excited it wasn't raining.  It's been raining for days here in Maryland.  There was a morning fog; it was so beautiful.  I woke a herd of whitetail deer who were sleeping in the field - look down the path to see a deer bounding across the road.  I got a few more pictures of the deer, but they were tough to see thru the fog. 

Morning fog on the field

Thanksgiving morning, 2009


  1. I just LOVE a foggy morning. And I always see lots of wildlife out then too. It makes it tough to get a good photo though, doesnt' it?
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. What lovely photos. Looks like Thanksgiving weather for sure. I hope yours was a happy one.

  3. These pictures are so beautiful! -It is so windy outside here right now. I am going to attempt some "windy" pictures today! Glad you had a good Thanksgiving! Check out my blog for some Thanksgiving dinner pictures.

  4. Sue - You're right, it is tough to get a good photo when it's foggy, plus it's always tough to get a good shot of wildlife when they are running away!

    Leigh - Thanks! :)

    Barb - I just showed your blog to Mom!


  5. Someday, when I am old and super grey,
    I'm going to travel and come your way.
    I going to stop and pause awhile, shoot the breeze
    and share a smile.
    I’ll see what you see and touch what you touch.
    Instead of sitting on my couch!



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