
Monday, September 7, 2009

Around the house, part II

As I said in the last post, not alot is happening here right this moment.  So I'm just posting more pictures of things we see every day in and around our historic home.  We're slowly renovating the house & the grounds, and will continue to post as the work progresses.
All the inside doors of the house have old keyholes with these swinging keyhole covers.  The previous owners of the house painted the doors white, but didn't paint under the keyhole covers - sloppy work!  It appears this door used to be light blue before.
There's only one closet in this house, and it's under the back steps going upstairs.  This old BLW lock is on the inside of the closet door.  It appears to have been installed upside down!  I've researched BLW locks, but couldn't find this exact one.  I wonder why the people in the 1800's needed so many locks?

We have several gated entries, complete with old stone columns.  This is one of the stone columns beside the path that leads to our house.  I can picture the men on horses riding up to the house right past this column.
Yes, our home comes complete with it's own graveyard!  A historic house wouldn't be right without a graveyard!
This gravestone is for Susan, who passed away July 25, 1830, at only 25 years old.


  1. Cool! I love the details on old houses. Are you going to restore the locks and hardware to their original state by removing the paint? And I LOVE that you've got a headstone in your garden. How cool is that?!?!

  2. Ohhh...old doorknobs and skeleton key locks, how incredibly cool. Have you been able to research any further details about Susan? Or why she is buried there alone with no other family beside her?
    Dang, such incredible history you have around you. And the stories your house could probably tell if only it could talk...

  3. Cindy - I'd like to clean up the paint on the lock, but I really don't need it where it is (on the closet). Maybe I'll find another door where I can display it one day! :)

    Farmgirl - Yes, I've research alot into Susan. I feel like I almost know her sometimes! It's a complete graveyard with lots of people buried there - Susan's friends & family - people from history. This place has such colonial history, it's so interesting! I love knowing that so much happened in my house - people were born, people died (ok, not so exciting!), this place was a huge working farm, a local minister lived here, the stories go on & on...if only the house could talk...


  4. Oh were I younger.... you are living my dream! I have only restored "pieces" - furniture and antique things, some artwork. But a whole property! Wow!

    Interesting question about why people back then had so many locks on doors. That Victorian era had a lot of secrets behind those doors I'll betcha! ha!

    I feel a bond with Susan - hmmm - I hope you can research her thru old county records or something. I LOVE history - you are lucky indeed to be re-creating it with this home!

  5. SuZen - I'll bet you're right, there were alot of secrets behind all these locks! That's exciting to think about! I also love history & am enjoying recreating it ~ there's so much to learn. I'll post all the updates on the blog!

  6. I love these photos, and I think it's SO COOL you have your own graveyard! How fascinating!


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