
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Time to Organize

Before we bought this house, we lived in a luxurious and spacious 5 bedroom, 5 bath house with a full finished basement.  We filled the rooms with furniture and collected lots of stuff, as normal couples seem to do.  Then we moved to this small, historic house, which had no storage and no closets.  We traded a nice house with an ok property for an awesome property with a little, old house, but have dreams of renovating the historic house.  In the mean time, we'll make do....

Two rooms upstairs became storage rooms for spare boxes & junk.  After living in the house for a year, the junk rooms got out of control...
Room # 1
Room #2

For the past week or so, Randy's been working on organizing the two junk rooms.  This weekend we both worked hard and just about finished up organizing.  We had to figure out what we really needed, and the rest goes to the trash.

Here are the rooms now:
Room #1 right side
left side
Room #2
Ahhh, it's nice to be semi-organized.  Now maybe we'll be able to find stuff when we want it.  Tomorrow we get new windows in the house - stay tuned for the details!


  1. Looks nice. And how exciting about new windows!!! We have been in the process of clearing out our house too.

  2. I think you guys are doing what we thought about doing way back in 1957 when I got discharged from the Army. I wanted to go and "Homestead" in Alaska and we almost did but a growing family and their needs made it seem like a dumb idea. At the same time Canada was giving away whole farms to people from the US who would come up and live on them for five years. That was something we just about took on. Whole dairy farms and all the stuff. LOL

    Anyway we didn't but we still admire folks who do things like you are doing. Good luck to you all and the story is excellent to read each morning.

    Thanks for your visits to my blogs.

  3. Amazing! You guys must have really worked hard! Where did you get all those plastic bins?? Want to come and tackle my attic?? LOL!- Barb

  4. I love the before and after shots. .. . but not the work that goes with it not to mention the 'time' it takes. Great job Randy~!! We re-did our kitchen a while back and I packed everything and took it to the basement and found out when I started to bring everything back upstairs that I didn't need about half of it and stored it or threw it away. Sometimes things like this is a very good thing.

  5. Robin - Thanks! The windows are going in now - I am so excited!!

    Abe- Thanks for reading our blog!! My husband is from the country & wanted wide open spaces. I guess we both have always shared this dream. It's just tough to make time to do all that we want to do! I guess there's a time for everything, and everything gets done in it's own time.

  6. Barb - Yes, we both were hot & tired after working on those 2 rooms all weekend. We got some of the bins from Home Depot (the black ones), and some from Target (the clear ones). We bought the Target ones first, but soon realized they didn't hold up that well - the lids crushed in if anything was placed on top. The Home Depot bins were strong & had notches in the lids which made them stack well, but were more expensive. I guess quality costs! And I'd love to come visit, but I don't want to tackle your attic!!

  7. Jalynn - I agree - after packing up all that stuff for a year, I realized I really didn't need much of it, and it went into the trash.

    One day (hopefully soon!) we are also going to redo our kitchen - I can't wait for that day!!



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