
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Signs of Summer

Just a few pictures of summertime...
Here are some baby wrens that were raised in the plant on our front porch. Baby birds are always a sure sign of summertime.

One of the woodchucks who resides in our back yard. We have so many woodchucks, but luckily they don't dig their holes too close to our house. When summer's gone, they too will be gone, down into their homes.

Baby deer that I saw out by our woodpiles. There were two, but one ran before I could take her picture.

My two cats, Shadow and Jack, being lazy on a summer afternoon. What else is better than an afternoon catnap upside down?


  1. Awwww I love those baby wrens. I never get to see mine like that cause they are always nesting in one of my cute! I have 5 groundhogs in my yard this year. I have some funny photos coming up of them eating unusual things from the bird feeder. The fawn is so cute with the woodsy background. Love your lazy kitties. Nice series!

  2. Awwww I love those baby wrens. I never get to see mine like that cause they are always nesting in one of my cute! I have 5 groundhogs in my yard this year. I have some funny photos coming up of them eating unusual things from the bird feeder. The fawn is so cute with the woodsy background. Love your lazy kitties. Nice series!

  3. How neat. I have never seen a woodchuck.

  4. Robin - Oh, you don't know what you're missing! They are the strangest animals! We have 4 male woodchucks that come to our backyard- they get in "woodchuck fights" - it's so funny! It's not really a fight but more a "face-off" & they rattle their tails like snakes. They eat nothing but grass, but somehow get sooo fat and round that they have a hard time running by autumn. We used to have a female in our former home & she always had babies under our front steps - they were such stinky animals & made a mess of my flower gardens by digging holes.


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