
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Garden update

We picked fresh veggies from the garden today... Here's the squash & cucumbers...

Yellow squash

We are going to be so tired of eating squash!!
Don't laugh ~ our corn didn't do too well!! We have corn bites!


  1. Hey at least you have corn! This year I am hoping to have corn bites. One day I will manage to grow it, I just know I will. It looks very tasty. My mouth is watering just thinking about melted butter with salt and pepper on them. Hmm...I think I may need to go to the store and pick up some corn now.....

  2. Hi Robin ~ we ate corn bites for lunch today. It actually was very good - a good flavor. I'm going to have to remember what type of corn it was. And figure out how to grow it properly!!

  3. Whoa Baby!!!!!! Look at all that squash!!Wow! I wish I had nearly that much squash in our garden!!! What are you doing with it all? And those itty bitty ears of corn are so cute!! You know, you can freeze them! I think you may have to par boil them first then throw them into freezer bags and then you could enjoy them later! And the zucchinis- zucchini bread, muffins, pancakes, fritters---- look in your cookbook,or on line at Talk to you later!!

  4. Hi Barb! We already ate the corn - it was sooo good! Thanks for the recipes! Can you freeze squash? -Lynn

  5. Wow, I can't believe these are from your garden! You guys have a great green thumb! That corn looks delish, maybe you can patent it and be the first ones on the market to offer corn bites!

  6. Sobrina ~ maybe we could market this idea... But I think other people also have "corn bites", they just don't tell people about them!! They were very good, just small.


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