
Thursday, June 18, 2009

First Garden Harvest

We've had our first garden harvest - some beans! It wasn't much, but it was exciting! ...You have to remember - this is our first garden, so this is a big deal for us!

The squash plants are going crazy with flowers! We are going to have squash all summer - I'll have to find some interesting recipes...

Tomatoes continue to grow...


A friend of mine mentioned that squash flowers are edible ~ has anyone heard about that? If you know, send me the scoop!!


  1. Wow!Really,I am having such garden envy it's horrid. :) Isn't it just so exciting watching all the plants grow and then getting produce from them. Are you going to do a winter garden also?

  2. Your garden looks like it's doing great! Here on the east coast it freezes in the winter - I don't know what we could plant...

  3. My husband is reading Four-Season Harvest by Eliot Coleman. They are located in Maine and describe how they grow and harvest several dozen crops over the winter without the use of a greenhouse.

  4. I will have to look into that book! I'd love to be able to grow things in winter, but the ground is so frozen - how can that work? but if they can do it in Maine, it can be done here! -Lynn


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